Engineered Successful Defense Against State Gaming Commission

Gaming is a burgeoning industry across the country, but many of its regulations have not yet been tested in court in the states where these businesses are spreading. Known as reliable team players with an astute grasp of politics, SouthBank Legal’s attorneys were retained along with a leading AmLaw 100 firm to help navigate this new landscape. SouthBank Legal represented an investor in a major brand-name casino planned for construction in Gary, Indiana, with an estimated value of approximately $400 million, the largest casino project in state history. After the general counsel for the project’s builder was federally indicted, the Indiana Gaming Commission commenced a major investigation into the entire project that resulted in administrative action against SouthBank Legal’s client, denying his license and ownership stake in the casino. This was the first time that the Indiana Gaming Commission had taken such drastic enforcement action against any individual who had never been charged with a crime. SouthBank Legal represented the investor as plaintiff against the Gaming Commission in state court, while defending him in two administrative proceedings. Eventually all matters were resolved so that SouthBank Legal’s client was able to profitably divest of his shares and retire from the industry.

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"The firm has a deep bench of litigators who are very talented, connected, and have good insight so as to be able to offer guidance on options to pursue and anticipate potential outcomes."

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"It's a strong and experienced leadership team, and a culture of excellence pervades. They have broad experience in commercial litigation, ranging from real estate to financial institutions to life sciences."

— Chambers USA 2023

“...well qualified litigators...handl[ing] complex and sophisticated business issues.”

— Chambers USA 2024

"Always available and extremely responsive."

"The attorneys typically have both significant BigLaw and clerking experience, and they are tremendously sophisticated litigators and advisors. The litigators are experienced, capable, and have litigated and tried all manner of civil lawsuits."

— Chambers USA 2023

"Senior partners are active and extremely capable. Additionally, they have carefully recruited high-quality associates who have developed into equally high-quality junior partners."

— Chambers USA 2023

"Came highly recommended and have lived up to it."