White Collar Defense and Investigations
Read our 2024 Year in Review Download Now

Won Preliminary Injunction Against Industry Goliath in IP Matter

SouthBank Legal represented a relatively small electronics company as plaintiff in an intellectual property dispute with a multi-billion-dollar corporation involving trade secrets, corporate espionage, and business tort issues. The publicly traded defendant, a major player ...

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Obtained Dismissal of Federal Indictment Before It Became Public

SouthBank Legal represented a citizen of a foreign country who was charged by a federal grand jury with international parental kidnapping.  After a contentious divorce in the United States, the individual and his children returned ...

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Provided Expert Analysis Leading to Exoneration of AmLaw 100 White-Collar Attorney Facing Disciplinary Proceedings

A leading white-collar practitioner at an AmLaw 100 firm faced potential disciplinary actions based on allegations by a former client in a high-profile federal prosecution. The AmLaw 100 firm contacted SouthBank Legal to provide expert analysis and ...

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Recovered Internationally Stolen Funds for Fortune 50 Company

An American-based Fortune 50 company was the victim of a sophisticated fraud scheme in the Middle East. By the time the company discovered the theft, it had lost millions of dollars.  Some of the funds, while ...

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Convinced IRS to Drop Criminal Tax Investigation of Non-Profit Organization

A non-profit advocacy organization active in a contentious area of public policy faced a criminal tax investigation into its alleged underpayment of taxes over multiple years. The AmLaw 100 firm representing the founder of the organization ...

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"The firm has a deep bench of litigators who are very talented, connected, and have good insight so as to be able to offer guidance on options to pursue and anticipate potential outcomes."

— Chambers USA 2023

"It's a strong and experienced leadership team, and a culture of excellence pervades. They have broad experience in commercial litigation, ranging from real estate to financial institutions to life sciences."

— Chambers USA 2023

“...well qualified litigators...handl[ing] complex and sophisticated business issues.”

— Chambers USA 2024

"Always available and extremely responsive."

"The attorneys typically have both significant BigLaw and clerking experience, and they are tremendously sophisticated litigators and advisors. The litigators are experienced, capable, and have litigated and tried all manner of civil lawsuits."

— Chambers USA 2023

"Senior partners are active and extremely capable. Additionally, they have carefully recruited high-quality associates who have developed into equally high-quality junior partners."

— Chambers USA 2023

"Came highly recommended and have lived up to it."